Leaf Kratom for Focus: Is There a Connection?

Reviewed by Jamal Bouie

Feel free tonic features kava root and leaf kratom known to help with relaxation, productivity and focus.

Leaf Kratom for Focus: Is There a Connection?

If there’s one thing modern life has in abundance, it’s distractions. From notifications’ endless string of “dings” to never-ending to-do lists, a distracted mind can capsize even those moments of peace we find in a day. 

So, how much can herbs or substances assist in repairing your ability to concentrate? 

Unfortunately, there’s no magic pill you can take to recover your attention span. While herbs may help, it takes deliberate, sustained changes over time to help you recover your focus.

That said, in extremely low doses, some evidence suggests kratom leaves and other plants may help create a mindset where focus can flourish. Kratom users report feeling more alert and focused when taking the herb as a supplement. Knowing how to take it consciously—and the main behavioral drivers of improved focus and mental clarity—can help you decide whether it’s the right plant support for you.

Bringing Focus Into Focus: What Factors Impact Concentration?

Neurologically speaking, focus is extremely complicated. It involves a variety of neural functions and pathways that fall under the category of executive function. [1]

While many people’s ability to concentrate is impacted by intrinsic factors, many behavioral and environmental factors play a role as well. Some of these include: [2]

  • Sleep habits – Poor sleep quality, or not getting enough rest, creates the conditions for poor focus. Sub-par sleep can also create difficulties in other areas of cognitive function, including memory and processing speed. With chronic sleep deprivation, you may notice it’s extra hard to focus during the day.
  • Nutrition – Food is the foundation of well-being, and that includes brain health. A nutritious diet is rich in plants (fruits and vegetables), whole grains, and lean protein sources. Diets full of excessive sugar, unhealthy fats, and processed foods can contribute to poor focus. Notably, certain herbs and micronutrients are associated with improved cognitive function (e.g. antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and turmeric). [3]
  • Stress – When stress gets out of hand, it can be difficult to find the peace of mind needed to sit down and concentrate. Cortisol, a stress hormone, is known to interfere with focus (apart from fixating on the source of a perceived threat) as well as memory recall. [4]
  • Physical fitness – Getting enough exercise is associated with enhanced brain function and focus. [5] Cardiovascular exercise in particular can help support blood flow, which circulates all the way to the brain. Additionally, cardio generates the feel-good chemical known as endorphins, which helps reduce stress and supports concentration.
  • Mental fitness – Hitting the gym isn’t the only beneficial form of exercise! Mental activities can also serve our attention spans. In particular, puzzles and head-scratchers can help support mental alacrity and build the ability to focus over time. [6]

How Kratom Affects Cognitive Function

Kratom is a plant-derived substance that’s closely related to coffee. [7] Traditional growers of kratom originated in Southeast Asia and used kratom leaves, in extremely low doses, to boost their energy and gently elevate their mood. [8]

Though scientific research is still in its infancy, kratom is known to interact with the brain’s opioid receptors. [9] In low doses—between 1 and 5 mg—kratom can act as a gentle stimulant, leading to feelings of alertness, which may assist with focus. [8, 10, 11]

However, improving concentration isn’t how most modern people use kratom. [9] Most adults self-report using kratom products to combat opioid dependence. [12] This is because, in high doses, kratom ceases to work as a stimulant and instead has a depressive effect. 

For this reason, it’s critical to know how to use kratom safely and moderately—and to seek out manufacturers who adhere to rigorous production standards to make their products.

5 Holistic Tips for Improving Focus

Kratom may be used to achieve greater focus, but the main drivers of improved cognitive function are behavioral. 

If you’re looking to boost your focus, these short- and long-term behavioral changes can help set the stage for improved concentration and productivity.

#1 Tune Up Your Sleep Hygiene

A well-rested mind is an agile mind. If you’ve been skimping on sleep, an excellent place to start focusing is by building a consistent sleep routine. Aim to get to bed and wake up at around the same time each day. 

If you like, consider leaning on drowsy-making herbs in the form of teas or tonics to induce a restful state. Some reliable contenders include: [13]

  • Kava kava
  • Lemon balm
  • Valerian
  • Tart cherry juice

#2 Limit Distractions

When you reduce environmental distractions, you might find you’re less divertable. Learning how to avoid distractions can be easier said than done, especially when our phones are sitting right in our eyesight. Several tactics might work, including:

  • Creating your study space – Set up a dedicated “focus space” where you can turn your attention to the task at hand. For instance, you might consider turning off unnecessary devices (e.g. your phone) or leaving it in a separate room. 
  • Using environmental cues – Many people use aural cues, like ambient or classical music, to remind your mind it’s time to settle in and concentrate. You can also use tactile or gustatory ones, like making a cup of tea or coffee each time you sit down to focus.
  • Implementing time management techniques – Some people find mental organizational tools to help them focus. As an example, you might try the Pomodoro technique, where a person works non-stop for 25 minutes, then breaks for 5 minutes between each interval. [14]

#3 Try Meditating Regularly

Mindfulness meditation, as well as other forms, help many people reduce their stress load and clear up mental space for focused activity. But do you need to strap yourself to a cushion for 45 minutes a day to reap the rewards? Nope! If you enjoy movement, try out yoga for mindfulness!

When it comes to meditation’s benefits, consistency is key. Regularly meditating for even 5 minutes a day can help you concentrate better (not to mention feel more positive and peaceful).

#4 Watch the Sugar and Caffeine

Many people reach for caffeine or sugar for a spike of energy when they’re preparing to concentrate. But sugar and caffeinated beverages can deliver an initial jolt of alertness that quickly (and harshly) wears off. Moreover, over time, too much sugar can impair cognitive function. [15]

If you’re a frequent sugar or caffeine consumer, you might consider reducing your intake and developing a more balanced and brain-friendly diet. You might find that reducing quick-fix energy solutions helps relieve bandwidth for steady, focused tasks.

#5 Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking has a funny way of making us feel more productive—without actually getting much more done. [16] 

In fact, engaging in too many tasks at once can fragment our brain’s ability to focus, especially if it’s become a habit over time. [16]

The good news about attention spans is that they’re elastic: it’s possible to repair them, no matter how hard you find it to focus right now. Studies show that mindfulness practice—simply being aware of what you’re doing, as you’re doing it—can help to repair the neural circuitry responsible for attention to find more freedom and creativity during focused activities. [16]

Tips for Using Kratom Safely

If you’re considering using kratom—whether for focus or overall well-being—it’s essential to know how to use it safely. Botanic Tonics prioritizes transparency when it comes to the feel free kava kratom tonic’s ingredients, as well as dosages, servings per container, and age restrictions for use.

Remember, like caffeine, leaf kratom use has the potential to become habit-forming with irresponsible use. Take these suggestions into account if you’re considering using kratom products for enhanced focus:

  • Know your dosage – If you’re new to kratom, it’s best to begin with a low dose. Pay close attention to how your body and mind respond—many people find even a small amount (1 to 2 mg) lets them achieve their desired effects. Different kratom types and forms may have different effects (kratom capsules or tablets vs. a kratom tonic).
  • Use it sparingly – Because leaf kratom can be habit-forming, using it infrequently can help lower your risk of dependency. Avoid using kratom on a daily basis.
  • Find a reliable vendor – One of the main concerns surrounding kratom is its lack of regulation. [12] Sub-par manufacturers may put users at risk of contamination, which could produce undesirable side effects or outright harm. [12] Be sure to research the kratom strain, so you know what to expect. If you’re considering using a kratom product for focus, be sure to seek out a brand that uses exemplary manufacturing practices.  
  • Run labels by a healthcare provider – If you already know which product you’re considering, it’s a wise idea to ask your healthcare provider their opinion. Your PCP can also advise you on the proper dosages for your health history, current health, and health goals.

Touch Down to Better Cognitive Health with feel free

Rebuilding your ability to focus depends on taking a mindful, measured approach. With these steps, better mental clarity is possible.

Our feel free CLASSIC tonic contains kava root and leaf kratom that enhance energy levels to get you through the days you need. Check out our kava capsules, formulated with plant-based “peace powerhouses” that help with productivity and encourage a positive mood.

Explore Botanic Tonics today.


  1. Harvard Health Publishing. Focus on concentration. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/focus-on-concentration
  2. Psychology Today. Key Factors That Influence Cognitive Health. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/undistracted/202202/key-factors-influence-cognitive-health
  3. Healthline. Best Foods for A Healthy Brain and Improved Memory. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-brain-foods#turmeric
  4. Psychology Today. A Brain Changer: How Stress Shapes Cognition and Memory. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-bridge/202202/brain-changer-how-stress-shapes-cognition-and-memory
  5. Harvard Health Publishing. Exercise can boost your memory and thinking skills. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/exercise-can-boost-your-memory-and-thinking-skills
  6. Healthline. 10 Games and Puzzles to Exercise Your Brain. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/games-and-puzzles-to-exercise-your-brain#why-it-matters
  7. Healthline. Kratom Use Rising Despite Warnings of Cardiac Arrest, Seizures: What to Know. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/rising-kratom-use-health-risks#Is-kratom-addictive
  8. Cleveland Clinic. What You Should Know About Kratom. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-is-kratom
  9. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Kratom. https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/kratom
  10. Kraken Kratom. Kratom Serving Size Guide. https://krakenkratom.com/resources/kratom-serving-size-guide/
  11. The New York Times. What You Should Know About the Potential Risks of Kratom. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/26/well/mind/kratom-health-risks.html
  12. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Natural Herb Kratom May Have Therapeutic Effects And Relatively Low Potential For Abuse Or Harm, According To A User Survey. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2020/02/natural-herb-kratom-may-have-therapeutic-effects-and-relatively-low-potential-for-abuse-or-harm-according-to-a-user-survey
  13. Healthline. 10 Natural Sleep Aids for Better Sleep in 2024.  https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/sleep-aids#_noHeaderPrefixedContent
  14. Very Well Mind. What Is the Pomodoro Technique? https://www.verywellmind.com/pomodoro-technique-history-steps-benefits-and-drawbacks-6892111
  15. Very Well Mind. Negative Effects of Sugar on the Brain. https://www.verywellmind.com/how-sugar-affects-the-brain-4065218#toc-sugar-intake-hinders-mental-capacity
  16. National Institutes of Health. The neurobiology of focus and distraction: The case for incorporating mindfulness into leadership. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29658321/

About The Author

Jamal Bouie Botanic Tonic

Jamal Bouie

Jamal Bouie is an accomplished professional with a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from Lemoyne-Owen College in Memphis. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in Biomedicine at Salus University. Jamal has worked in several industries; he began his career in pharmaceutical manufacturing and transitioned to the cannabis industry, where he specialized in analytical testing and manufacturing, playing a vital role in ensuring product safety and compliance. Now, Jamal has turned his attention to the dietary supplement field, combining his scientific acumen with his passion for health and wellness.

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