Does Lion's Mane Give you Energy? | Botanic Tonics

Does Lion's Mane Give you Energy? | Botanic Tonics

Reviewed by Jamal Bouie

Does Lion's Mane Give You Energy?

As you may know, research into holistic health continues to explore the untapped potential of medicinal mushrooms like chaga, mitake, and the elusive lion’s mane. With researchers’ findings indicating that these delectable mushrooms may yield a range of positive health impacts—from boosting brain function to assisting with anxiety—you may wonder about other potential benefits. 

For instance, does lion’s mane give you energy?[1] 

While research is ongoing, current findings suggest that the answer is yes—and that’s not all this functional mushroom may provide. In this article, we’ll break down the nutritional profile of this fantastic fungus, explore its energy-boosting potential, and discuss other possible health benefits you may notice when adding lion’s mane mushroom to your wellness regimen. 

Understanding the Nutritional Profile of Lion's Mane

You may have noticed lion’s mane supplements lining the shelves of your local health food store. But what really is this mysterious mushroom and how can it affect your health? To understand the potential impacts of this mushroom, it’s important to first take a look at its nutritional profile and the bioactive compounds that inhibit its medicinal uses. 

Lion’s mane, or Hericium erinaceus, is a white mushroom with shaggy, long tendrils. In the fruiting body of the mushroom, you’ll find specific compounds called hericenones. When combined with the compounds found in the mushroom’s mycelia, erinacines, hericenones has been linked to the stimulation of the synthesis of the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF).[2]

NGF is a compound that’s integral to the growth of nerve cells and pathways within your brain, positively impacting things like focus, memory, mental clarity, and creativity. 

Aside from these crucial compounds, lion’s mane is also an abundant source of Vitamin D and is rich in polysaccharides and antioxidants. Polysaccharides are essential for digestive health, while antioxidants promote heart health and combat oxidative stress.[3]

The Energy-Boosting Potential of Lion's Mane

Whether you’re looking for a boost of energy in the morning or hope to beat the afternoon slump, you may want to consider adding lion’s mane mushroom to your diet. While opting for medicinal mushrooms may not be your first idea for overcoming drowsiness, recent studies indicate that lion’s mane may offer the energizing benefits you need. 

Here’s an overview of how lion’s mane may work to promote enhanced energy levels.

The Role of Lion's Mane in Reducing Fatigue

To understand the benefits of lion’s mane in boosting energy, it’s important to first understand fatigue. You may experience both physical and mental fatigue that makes it feel like you’re struggling to maintain your energy and focus throughout the day. 

Fortunately, there are several ways lion’s mane may be able to support your energy levels and prevent excessive fatigue: 

  • Since lion’s mane is an adaptogen, it contains anti-inflammatory compounds, which science suggests may be able to promote heart health and fight oxidative stress in the body. Not only can oxidative stress lead to the development of a variety of conditions (including heart disease and autoimmune disorders), but recent findings also indicate it can contribute to excessive fatigue.[4] 
  • An animal study found that lion’s mane’s polysaccharides may possess significant anti-fatigue activity by decreasing the presence of lactic acid and malondialdehyde, which are biomarkers for oxidative stress.[5] This means that the antioxidant properties found in lion’s mane may be able to help your body combat oxidative stress and fight fatigue before it begins.

See related: Does Lion’s Mane Help With Focus?

How Lion's Mane Supports Cellular Energy Production

The compounds found in lion’s mane that are responsible for the synthesis of the Nerve Growth Factor may also aid in cellular energy production. The regenerative properties of this mushroom still require further research. Still, emergent studies indicate that it can speed up the recovery of nerve cells, requiring less energy from your body to heal from an injury.[6] 

Comparing Lion's Mane to Traditional Energy Supplements

If you’re feeling afternoon drowsiness kick in, you may be used to grabbing a latte or cracking open an energy drink, just to be confronted with a caffeine crash a few hours later.

To that end, let’s discuss how lion’s mane compares to typical energy supplements, like caffeine, to help you determine whether this natural solution may be a better fit for your health goals and lifestyle.

Benefits Over Caffeine and Other Stimulants

Many people rely on caffeine (a stimulant) when they need an energy boost. However the problem with stimulants is that they can become addictive and create a dependency. They can also create feelings of anxiety, known as caffeine jitters, as well as feelings of fatigue when the stimulant wears off. 

While lion’s mane may have stimulating properties—mimicking the effects of coffee by potentially increasing energy and concentration—this medicinal mushroom isn’t a stimulant. This means you don’t have to worry about the potential for addiction or the typical “caffeine crash.”

As an added bonus, opting for lion’s mane over a stimulant like caffeine means that the fungus won’t actually keep you awake. So, you can take lion’s mane before bed whenever you need an extra boost without worrying about it negatively impacting your sleep.

Synergistic Effects with Other Natural Supplements

When you combine lion’s mane with other natural supplements—whether they’re other medicinal mushrooms, adaptogens, or herbal remedies—you may notice stronger effects, maximizing the benefits you receive. 

As always, you want to be careful when combining supplements and ingredients. The easiest way to feel confident that you’re combining them correctly is to opt for a pre-mixed supplement, tincture, or tonic. This can help you receive the synergistic effects of combining multiple holistic health superstars. 

Incorporating Lion's Mane into Your Diet

When you’re ready to integrate Lion’s Mane into your diet, there are several strategies you can use, depending on your lifestyle and the health benefits you’re hoping to receive, including:

  • Mushroom Supplements – One way to ensure you consistently receive your daily dose of lion’s mane is to ingest it in a supplement. Easy to take with you and ingest at any time of day, supplements can be a handy way to give your body the nourishment it craves without worrying about finding ingredients at your local grocer.

  • Tinctures and tonics – If you’re searching for a coffee or energy drink alternative but still enjoy the ritual of sipping on a beverage throughout the day, you may want to look for a plant-based energy tonic that contains lion’s mane mushroom extract. This can help you get that natural energy boost while avoiding the negative effects of a stimulant like caffeine. 

  • Mushroom Powders – Another way to add lion’s mane to your diet is by ingesting it in powder form, which you can add to a smoothie or other blended drink. However, it’s important to note that this mushroom has a very distinct flavor, so it may impact the taste of whatever you mix it with.

  • Aside from these approaches, you can always add lion’s mane mushrooms to your favorite meals. However, it may be difficult to find and cook the edible mushroom on a regular basis, and consistency is key for yielding significant results. 

    Additional Health Benefits of Lion's Mane

    So, you now know about the energy-enhancing potential of lion’s mane. But this potent mushroom has a variety of other possible benefits. 

    Cognitive Enhancement

    Not only can the mushroom’s stimulation of NGF lead to a boost in energy, but it’s also one of the best mushrooms for cognitive function

    As the brain ages, its ability to generate new cells and connections typically declines, which can lead to the development of neurodegenerative diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s. However, the two bioactive compounds found in lion’s mane, hericenones and erinacines, can stimulate the growth of brain cells – reducing the risk of mild cognitive impairment and offering a potential benefit to those experiencing brain fog.

    While further research is needed, recent studies on animals have found that lion’s mane may protect against the development of Alzheimer's and Alzheimer-related damage.[7] 

    Immune System Support

    As you know, the immune system acts as your body’s first line of defense against viral and bacterial infections, as well as germs and pathogens.

    While you may already take vitamin C supplements for an immune boost, lion’s mane may also be able to provide the body with immune system support. This is because it stimulates positive changes in terms of gut health.[8] 

    As research continues to develop, findings are promising regarding the positive effects of lion’s mane on gut and digestive health, as well as aiding immune system function.

    Explore the Power of Lion's Mane with Botanic Tonics

    Whether you’re trying to give up caffeine altogether or you’re just interested in finding a natural energy booster, you may want to add lion’s mane to your supplement routine. Our suggestion? Start slow with low doses of the medicinal mushroom, and consider taking it in combination with other impressive holistic ingredients, like kava. 

    At Botanic Tonics, our feel free supplements and tonics contain an array of powerhouse, high-quality ingredients, like lion’s mane and kava, that are easy to add to your ongoing routine. Plus, we know just how important it is to give your body the very best, so they are rigorously tested for quality.

    When you’re ready to experience the potential positive benefits of lion’s mane and take your wellness routine to the next level, check out our line of all-natural products. 


    1. National Library of Medicine. Hericium erinaceus Extract Reduces Anxiety and Depressive Behaviors by Promoting Hippocampal Neurogenesis in the Adult Mouse Brain. 
    2. Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine. Lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus) 
    3. National Library of Medicine. Composition and antioxidant activity of water-soluble oligosaccharides from Hericium erinaceus. 
    4. National Library of Medicine. Oxidative Stress is a Convincing Contributor to Idiopathic Chronic Fatigue. 
    5. National Library of Medicine. Anti-fatigue activities of polysaccharides extracted from Hericium erinaceus. 
    6. Begell House Digital Library. Lion's Mane, Hericium erinaceus and Tiger Milk, Lignosus rhinocerotis (Higher Basidiomycetes) Medicinal Mushrooms Stimulate Neurite Outgrowth in Dissociated Cells of Brain, Spinal Cord, and Retina: An In Vitro Study.,343363596ed9bda8,45484d446fc46878.html 
    7. National Library of Medicine. Erinacine A-enriched Hericium erinaceus mycelium ameliorates Alzheimer's disease-related pathologies in APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice. 
    8. National Libary of Medicine. Immunomodulatory Activities of a Fungal Protein Extracted from Hericium erinaceus through Regulating the Gut Microbiota.

    About The Author

    Jamal Bouie Botanic Tonic

    Jamal Bouie

    Jamal Bouie is an accomplished professional with a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from Lemoyne-Owen College in Memphis. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in Biomedicine at Salus University. Jamal has worked in several industries; he began his career in pharmaceutical manufacturing and transitioned to the cannabis industry, where he specialized in analytical testing and manufacturing, playing a vital role in ensuring product safety and compliance. Now, Jamal has turned his attention to the dietary supplement field, combining his scientific acumen with his passion for health and wellness.

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