If you're sticking to your 2022 resolution or simply trying to stay motivated for the year to come —stock up on kava! Botanic Tonics’ feel free Tonic is the ideal way to kick away any bad habits and start fresh. People tend to reach for the alcohol when shit hits the fan, but who’s to say it’s not time for a new tradition—one defined by you? Here’s how a drink made with kava kava can help you be focused and motivated any time of the day, any time of the year.
Kava Brings People Together
For generations, kava has been used as a social drink. Throughout the South Pacific, where it’s grown and harvested, island cultures incorporate kava into celebrations, ceremonies, rituals, and more. It’s a drink that comes with much meaning. It brings people together as one chapter ends, and another begins. As you gather with friends, family, and those you care about most, you continue this tradition in your own way. Enjoy kava as you celebrate together and look toward the next chapter and whatever it may bring.
Kava Brings Vitality to Any Social Gathering
Enjoy a kava drink in place of alcohol and marvel as it begins to work. The effects of kava are akin to that of alcohol without the downsides that can accompany a night of reaching for the hard stuff. And all it takes is a single 2-ounce shot of Botanic Tonics’ feel free Tonic to get going. If you want to feel more sociable and engaged, skip the bubbly and brews and grab a Feel Free instead. When everyone twists open a shot, the possibilities are endless. Conversation flows, and optimism shines. You can even drink kava for occasional anxiety—which is great for parties, dates, and other social events.
Kava Brings on the Good Feelings
Are you looking to start the new year fresh? Many people are. The past year came with its challenges (you could say the same for the past couple of years). While there are still challenges yet to come, you deserve a break. You deserve to feel good, to feel blissful, and to start the year with that feeling. Botanic Tonics blends kava with other ancient plants, pineapple juice, coconut cream, and stevia leaf to help you accomplish just that.
Experience the social aspects of kava with Botanic Tonics at botanictonics.com